Dass Varsity

Learn from Industry Experts

We Made It Possible! The Revolutionary 'Virtual Internship Program'. Learn And Taste Your Dream Profession From Real Experts Of The Respective Industry At The Comfort Of Your Home!

Virtual Internship

Amazing Real Job experience at the comfort of your home. India's first of it's kind Virtual Internship Program "VIP" on 18 plus professions!

Psychometric Tests

Scientifically proven Psychometric Tests For 'Stream Selection', 'Career Selection', 'Personality Test', And 'Branch Selection'

Consultation 1-On-1

Book A 1-On-1 Consultation for a thorough understanding where you stand now and plan for the Goal you are aiming for!

Build A Perfect Profile With Our Professional Training

We help you get ready and be ahead of competition by building a fail-proof profile with our AI based "Virtual Intership Program" (VIP)

Virtual Internship Program - Dass Varsity

Build your profile with credible certification in one or more professional apprenticeship as early as while you are in secondary school grades.

First of its kind “Virtual Internship Program” in India. This gives the students a cutting edge advantage of indulging in their dream profession without spending months or sacrificing regular classes or a study year, at the comfort of their home.

We are professional Career Counselors along with our Top grade tech-driven Testing Tools to give the most accurate suggestions for your Career planning and queries.

What Our Students Have to Say

Smriti Ruparel - VIP - Dass Varsity
Devanshi Pandya - VIP - Dass Varsity
Geet Gangwani - VIP - Dass Varsity
Smriti Ruparel
Devanshi Pandya
Geet Gangwani
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